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Dr Eoin Guilfoyle
Lecturer in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice

Elliott Jaques 008

Research area(s)

  • Criminal Law
  • Sentencing Law and Practice
  • Sentencing Guidelines
  • Non-custodial Sanctions and Measures

Research grants and projects


Exploring the Nature of Ethnic Disparities in Sentencing through Causal Inference
Funder: Economic and Social Research Council
Duration: August 2022 - July 2024

Project details

Full List of Funded Projects

2022 – 2024: Exploring the Nature of Ethnic Disparities in Sentencing through Causal Inference, Economic and Social Research Council Secondary Data Analysis Initiative. (£295,880)

2021: Evidence Review of Community Service, Irish Probation Service (€25,000) 

2020: A Review of the Community Order, Its Use and Operation and Research Evidence, The Sentencing Academy

2015 - 2018: An Examination of the Community Service Order in Ireland, Irish Research Council Government of Ireland PhD Scholarship

2014: University of Limerick School of Law, PhD Scholarship, University of Limerick