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Mr Ylli Dautaj
Lecturer in Commercial Law

Elliot Jaques 006


Dr Ylli Dautaj teaches as a lecturer in commercial law, with a focus on international dispute resolution and international economic law. Ylli has a vivid research output and frequently publishes articles and books in his areas of expertise. He has previously taught at various law schools in the UK, US, Sweden, and India. He frequently gives guest lectures and conference contributions around the world. 

Ylli has practiced law for many years and in that role represented clients big and small, from States, State-owned-entities, multinational corporations, to small and medium-sized enterprises and private persons. His experience includes energy (extractive and renewable), shareholders' agreements, joint ventures, construction, sales and services, franchise, agency and distribution, technology transfer, etc. Ylli has a particular substantive expertise in investment treaty arbitration and international commercial agreements.

Ylli graduated with a PhD from the University of Edinburgh. Before that he studied law in Sweden, Ireland, and US. He has training in common law and civil law systems.