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Dr Xiaoqing Li
Senior Lecturer in Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Eastern Gateway 202m

  • Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Research area(s)

  • Internationalization of firms, especially firms from emerging countries.
  • Knowledge-intensive organisations' internationalisation
  • Entrepreneurship education 
  • Social enterprises in the developed and developing markets
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation 
  • Digitalization in business and management 

Research group(s)

Research grants and projects


Can entrepreneurship be taught? A learning-by-doing approach in entrepreneurship education
Funder: Brunel Business School, 村花论坛
Duration: January 2020 - July 2020
Unpacking models of value creation in UK social enterprises
Funder: Research Development Fund, 村花论坛
Duration: January 2020 - January 2022
Analyzing the impact of social enterprises' internationalization strategies
Funder: Brunel Research Initiative and Enterprise Fund (BRIEF)
Duration: August 2017 - August 2018