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Designing the Future of UK-China RD&I Collaboration in the Museums and Galleries Sector

Funder: Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)
Duration: February 2022 - February 2023


Name Telephone Email Office
Dr Busayawan Lam Dr Busayawan Lam
T: +44 (0)1895 266592
E: busayawan.lam@brunel.ac.uk
+44 (0)1895 266592 busayawan.lam@brunel.ac.uk Michael Sterling 156
Professor Youngok Choi Professor Youngok Choi
(Principal investigator)
T: +44 (0)1895 266573
E: youngok.choi@brunel.ac.uk
+44 (0)1895 266573 youngok.choi@brunel.ac.uk Michael Sterling 160
Professor Vanja Garaj Professor Vanja Garaj
Professor of Design
T: +44 (0)1895 266964
E: vanja.garaj@brunel.ac.uk
+44 (0)1895 266964 vanja.garaj@brunel.ac.uk Michael Sterling 151


Kwon, H., Choi, Y., Zhao, X., Min, H., Wang, W., Garaj, V. and et al. (2024) 'How immersive and interactive technologies affect the user experience and cultural exchange in the museum and gallery sector'. International Journal of the Inclusive Museum (IJIM), 0 (accepted, in press). ISSN: 1835-2014

Journal article

Shen, J., Yin, M., Wang, W., Hua, M., Choi, Y., Garaj, V., et al. (2024) ''. Telematics and Informatics Reports, 14. pp. 1 - 10. ISSN: 2772-5030

Journal article

Kwon, H., Choi, Y., Hua, M., Garaj, V., Lam, B., Wang, W. and et al. (2023) ''.ICED23 - 24th International Conference on Engineering Design. Bordeaux, France. 19 - 28 July. Cambridge University Press (CUP). pp. 3691 - 3700.

Conference paper