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Dr Nour Ali

Wilfred Brown Building 114


I am actively looking for PhD students. Here are some of the topics I am am interested in supervising but not restricted to:

PhD projects for research students

Research supervision

Dr Ali has supervised over 5 research assistants in the different projects she has been involved in. She has also supervised many MSc dissertations and Final Year Projects in her research area. She also supervises PhD students. PhD students Supervising

  • Nuha Alshuqayran at the University of Brighton (co-supervised with Roger Evans). In this thesis, the objective is to provide software architecture recovery of micro-service systems.
  • John Omede. In this thesis, the objective is to support security in software architecture of Smart Cities/Homes.
  • Naveed Iqbal: In this thesis, the objective is to support micro-service systems with software architecture consistency.

Completed Supervision

  • Dr Nikolay Burlutskiy at the University of Brighton (co-supervised with Miltos Petridis and Andrew Fish), Prediction of User Behaviour on the Web. Viva Voce on 10/01/2017.