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Professor Justin Fisher
Director of Policy Unit / Professor of Political Science

Gaskell 070

Membership and affiliation

  • Academician, (2008 - )
  • Editor of 2018-Present
  • Visiting Professor in Political Science, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense (2009)
  • President, (2008 - 2010)
  • Elected Member of Executive Committee, British Politics Group of the American Political Science Association (2011-13) (2023-Present)
  • Editor of , (2004 - 2011)
  • Member of the (2021 – Present)
  • Member of Editorial Advisory Board, (2012 - Present)
  • Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties (2012 - Present)
  • Academic Advisor, Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan, (2010 - 2016)
  • Member of and Chair of the Academic Sub-Committee
  • External Examiner (Undergraduate), Department of Politics, Lancaster University (2016-2020)
  • External Examiner (Undergraduate), Department of Political Science, University College London (2010-2012)
  • External Examiner (Undergraduate), Department of International Politics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth (2004-2007)
  • External Examiner (Undergraduate), Department of Politics & Contemporary History, University of Salford (2001-2004)
  • External Examiner (Postgraduate), Department of Politics & International Relations, University of Kent (2004)
  • External Examiner (MRes), School of Politics & International Relations, University of Nottingham (2015)
  • External Examiner (PhD), Department of Political Science. Trinity College Dublin (2020)
  • External Examiner (PhD), Department of Politics, University of Sussex (2017 & 2018)
  • External Examiner (PhD), Department of Political Science, University College London (2015)
  • External Examiner (PhD), Department of Government, University of Essex (2008, 2010 & 2015)
  • External Examiner (PhD), School of Law & Social Science, University of Plymouth (2008)
  • Witness to the Elections Bill Committee, September 2021
  • Witness to the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Select Committee, Elections Bill, September 2021
  • Invited presentation from the National Democratic Institute and British Embassy in Tirana to a delegation of Albania MPs, regulators, and journalists, February 2020
  • Invited advice to the Ethiopian Electoral Board on campaign and party funding regulation, December 2019
  • Witness to the Scottish Parliament Finance and Constitution Committee, Referendums (Scotland) Bill, September 2019
  • Invited advice to the Central Electoral Commission of Albania on party funding regulation, February 2018
  • Invited presentation to delegation of officials and civil society groups from the Ukraine on party funding regulation, November 2017
  • Invited advice to the Central Electoral Commission of Kosovo on party funding regulation, September 2017
  • Invited advice to the Ukrainian Electoral Commission on party funding regulation, May 2017
  • Witness to the House of Lords Select Committee on Trade Union Political Funds and Political Party Funding, February 2016
  • Invited advice to the Tunisian Court of Accounts on party funding regulation, December 2013
  • Review of Party Finance Legislation in Georgia, Project Commissioned by the Council of Europe, March – June 2013
  • Invited advice to the Japanese Ministry of the Interior and Diet on party funding regulation, November 2012 & September 2013
  • Witness to the Scottish Affairs Select Committee hearing on the referendum on separation for Scotland, July 2012
  • Advisor the Committee on Standards in Public Life’s in its response to the government’s proposals on a statutory register of lobbyists, February 2012
  • Witness to the Political and Constitutional Reform Select Committee hearing on the government’s proposals on a statutory register of lobbyists, February 2012
  • Advisor the Committee on Standards in Public Life’s inquiry into Party Political Funding, (2010 - 11)
  • Witness to the Political and Constitutional Reform Select Committee hearing on the government’s proposals for voting and parliamentary reform, July 2010
  • Witness to the Committee on Standards in Public Life’s hearing on Party Political Funding, July 2010
  • Witness to the Speaker’s Conference on Parliamentary Representation, July 2009
  • Member of the Public Affairs Council Working Party (2009)
  • Witness to the Political Parties and Election Bill Committee, November, 2008
  • Scientific Expert, 3rd Evaluation Round of the Council of Europe Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) on the transparency of party funding (2008 - 2011)
  • Senior Policy Advisor to the Electoral Commission (2008)
  • Specialist Advisor to the Public Administration Select Committee for its inquiry into Lobbying (2007 - 2008)