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Professor Hongying Meng

Howell Building 233

Membership and affiliation

  • IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
  • IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
  • IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society
  • IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
  • IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Multimedia Computing
  • IEEE
  • IEEE Biometrics Council
  • IEEE Sensors Council
  • IEEE Systems Council
  • IEEE Internet of Things Community
  • IEEE Big Data Community
  • IEEE Cloud Computing Community
  • IEEE Transportation Electrification Community
  • The Association for the Advancement of Affective Computing ()

External Engagements

  • Visiting Academic,  2024 
  • , , 2011-2016
  • Guest Lecturer (BEng Broadcast Engineering), , 2014

Guest Professorship

  • , China, 2018-2020
  • , France, 2015

Editorial Board for International Journals

  • Associate Editors-in-Chief for
  • for 
  • for
  • for

Reviewer for research funding body

PhD/MPhil external examination

  • , Australia, 2024 
  • , UK, 2023
  • , UK, 2021
  • , UK, 2021
  • , UK, 2020
  • , UK, 2020 (M Phil.) 
  • , UK, 2019
  • , UK, 2019
  • , UK, 2019
  • , UK, 2016, 2018, 2021 (M Phil.)
  • , France, 2013, 2014, 2021