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Dr Gareth Dale
Reader in Political Economy

Marie Jahoda 214

  • Politics
  • Politics and History
  • Social and Political Sciences

Membership and affiliation

Executive committee member, Karl Polanyi Institute for Political Economy.  Advisory committee member, Karl Polanyi Research Center for Global Social Studies. Member of the Source network, convened by the New Economics Foundation, and of the Great Transition Initiative. Editorial board memberships: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe; Revista Vatra - Vatra Literary Review; Journal of Sustainable Development (2009–2012); Journal of Historical Materialism (1995–2001).

Media interests

Titles of Gareth’s guest lectures and keynotes in the last few years have been: ‘The effect of the energy crisis on carbon reduction’; ‘Technologies we dont yet have?_Quandaries of the climate crisis’; ‘EU migration regimes and the colour line: Colonial legacies, refugee politics, and the paradox of free movement’; ‘Economic growth: Ends and endings’; ‘A most unsuitable host: COP26 between planetary emergency and climate diplomacy’; ‘Degrowth and/or the Green New Deal?’; Book launches of ‘Revolutionary Rehearsals in the Neoliberal Age’; Round table on ‘Sinking the City? Our urban environment in the age of climate catastrophe’; ‘The fetishism of technology in Marxist theory and environmental policy’; ‘The fetishism of technology in environmental debate and policy’; ‘Green growth as ideology’; ‘The infinite silver of Xenophon: Growth and its limits in ancient Athens’; ‘Karl Polanyi and the New Deal: Can lessons be drawn for the Green New Deal?’; ‘Can we cool a burning planet? Degrowth, technology, and the Green New Deal’; ‘Après moi, le deluge: Capitalism and ‘green growth’; ‘Marx, Polanyi and the Green New Deal’; Book launches of ‘The Political and Economic Thought of Karl Polanyi’; ‘Green Growth, Degrowth, or the Green New Deal’; ‘Dissidents and Dilemmas of post-Communist Transformation’; ‘Automation, Post-work and Imperialism’; ‘A brief history of capitalism and growth’; ‘Getting out of this mess: Emerging solutions to climate change’; ‘A rising tide lifts us all; don’t rock the boat!’; ‘Economic growth and the legitimation of inequality’; Book launches of translations of ‘Karl Polanyi: A Life on the Left’; ‘Karl Polanyi, accountancy, and the environment’; ‘Economic growth and the legitimation of inequality’; ‘Building infinity in the Capitalocene: Linear time, non-linear nature, and the laws of value’.