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Professor Felicity Gavins
Professor - Pharmacology

Heinz Wolff 111

  • Biosciences


  • Inflammation
  • Thrombosis (arterial and venous)
  • Resolution of inflammation
  • Immune mediated responses in normal and pathological conditions
  • Neutrophil-Platelet interactions
  • Ischaemia reperfusion injury (I/RI)
  • Healthy ageing
  • Formyl Peptide Receptors (FPRs)
  • Annexin A1 Biology
  • Sickle Cell Disease
  • Inflammation in Cancer
  • Pre-clinical imaging
  • Drug discovery and resolution biologics
  • Novel drug delivery systems e.g Nanocarriers

PhD projects for research students

Research supervision

I have supervised a number of basic and clincal Ph.D. Students and post-doctoral fellows.