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Dr Arthur Money

Wilfred Brown Building 114

Research area(s)

Multimedia Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, 3D Mobile Virtual Reality, Video Summarisation, Assistive Technologies for Health Care, Serious Games, Inclusive Access in HCI, Human Factors, User-Centred Design, Emotion and Affective Computing, e-Government and e-Inclusion.

Research grants and projects

Research Projects

Project details

Arthur has been involved in the following research projects: Entertainment-Led Video Summarisation Dates: 2004-2007

Delivering Inclusive Access for Disabled and Elderly Members of the Community (DIADEM) Sponsors: EUFP6 Dates: 2008 - 2010

MATCH Plus Project Sponsors: EPSRC Dates: 2011 – 2013

Supporting Patient-Practitioner Collaboration and Adherence via Mobile 3D Interior Design Technology Sponsors: Royal Society Dates: 2014 – 2015   Early Career Grant Award Sponsors: Association of Commonwealth Universities Dates: 2014

Recontract: Research into Consciousness Transfer Communications Technologies

Sponsors: Defence Human Capability Science & Technology Centre (BAE Systems)

Dates: 2015-2016

   Collaborative video summarisation techniques using multimodal data sources Dates: On-going   Technology Assisted Healthcare Dates: On-going