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IOSH Working Safely (V 5.0)

Who is it for?

Health and safety training is a statutory requirement  and this course is designed for people at any level in any sector and meets the criteria for introductory training in health and safety. IOSH Working Safely (V 5.0) offers organisations a nationally recognised and respected certification for employees that provides assurance of getting the safety message across.

Business Benefits

This course will elevate the profile of health and safety issues at a management level within your organisation, which will aid:

  • Greater productivity, as fewer hours are lost due to sickness and accidents when staff are appropriately trained

  • Safety awareness and appreciation for safety measures working towards minimising your legal liabilities 

  • Active staff involvement to improve the workplace health and safety culture and improve behaviours


IOSH Working Safely (V 5.0) covers four topics as follows:

 Introduction to Working Safely

 Improving safety performance

 Defining hazard and risk


 Identifying  and controlling common haz­ards


How is it delivered?

IOSH Working Safely (V 5.0) is delivered in a classroom setting over 1 day by a team of pro­fessional and approved health and safety trainers. The course is a high impact, interactive package designed to get people fully involved and interested.

Assessment Process

  • 3 hazard spotting exercises

  • Short end of course test

When you pass, you’ll be awarded with an IOSH "Working Safely" Certificate 

Dates Available

Due to current restrictions relating to the pandemic we are reviewing our course delivery models. Please enquire for more details.


Car parking is available on campus, along with Hotel and Spa Accommodation for overnight stays. There is a gym on campus with negotiable day rates. Further information can be found on our .


IOSH Working Safely (V 5.0) cost is £145 per person (VAT not applicable), lunch is included each day (please provide information on dietary requirements when booking). We offer a 10% reduction on bookings of six or more, for more details please contact us.