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Understanding the effects of inflammation on brain and behaviour


A tightly regulated relationship between the brain and the immune system is critical to maintaining brain health. Recent research has demonstrated that peripheral immune cells and signalling molecules interact with the brain not only during disease but also under normal healthy conditions, playing a role in the regulation of brain functions. This scenario raises an important question: can subtle changes in the peripheral immune system also affect behaviour?

In the last decade, several studies have found pro-inflammatory markers to be present in patients with major depressive disorder, suggesting a possible link between the two. In this project, we will use the zebrafish model to characterize the behavioural phenotypes associated with organ-specific inflammation induced by pro-inflammatory chemicals.

Meet the Principal Investigator(s) for the project

Dr Luigi Margiotta-Casaluci

Related Research Group(s)

human body

Inflammation Research and Translational Medicine - Driving scientific innovation and discovery for diagnosis, treatment, and management of cardiovascular disease, inflammatory and immune disorders, microbial resistance, and cancer.

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Project last modified 12/01/2024