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Web watches and remembers everything: What is Digital footprint?

Posted: 11 May 2021 - Ozlem Ayaz,

Digital footprints
Basic definition of digital footprint
How do you manage your digital footrpints?

Web watches and remembers everything: What is Digital footprint?

You’ve got one. So have we. But what is a digital footprint?

Basically, it’s the ‘trail’ of data you leave behind whenever you’re online.

Ever had one of those ‘oops’ moments where you hit ‘reply all’ on a snarky email? If so, you’ve grown your digital footprint – by mistake!

Since COVID-19, we’re all relying on technology more than ever – working at home, battling our inboxes and meeting over Zoom.

For many of us, it’s a new experience. Across Europe, over half of those who started remote working in the pandemic had never worked this way before.

Over half of SME executives are more worried about digital than anything else.

They’re right to be concerned. A data breach can be costly, in reputation as well as cash. And more remote working means bigger footprints – and greater risks.

We're researching the digital footprints at SMEs, and we’d love to hear from you if you work in a smaller firm – or lead one.

and let us know: What does digital footprint mean to you? How do you manage yours? What are your priorities, challenges and plans?


Thank you!


References and further reading: