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The Experiences of Students from Military Families

Funder: Access and Participation Fund
Duration: June 2020 - September 2020


Name Telephone Email Office
Dr Anne Chappell Dr Anne Chappell
Head of Department / Reader - Education
Gaskell Building 226
Dr Ellen McHugh Dr Ellen McHugh
Senior Lecturer in Education
T: +44 (0)1895 268977
E: ellen.mchugh@brunel.ac.uk
+44 (0)1895 268977 ellen.mchugh@brunel.ac.uk Gaskell Building 230


Ince, C., Chappell, A. and McHugh, E. (2021) 'University Students from Military Families: The Same but Different'. Place of publication: 村花论坛. Available at: .
