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Professor Philip Davies
Professor - Intelligence Studies / Director of BCISS

Marie Jahoda 207

  • Politics
  • Politics and History
  • Social and Political Sciences

Research area(s)

  • Organisation and governance of intelligence agencies and communities
  • National intelligence cultures and traditions
  • Intelligence professionalisation, professional practice and doctrine
  • Intelligence, counter-intelligence and cyber- and protective-security policy

Research Interests

Most of my research activities focus on my role as . I am, primarily, a political sociologist specialising in institution-building and organisational design of intelligence agencies and communities. I have an active interest and workstream on comparative intelligence studies, have conducted an intensive comparative study (funded by the Leverhulme Trust) of British and US national intelligence, and written area-studies oriented analyses of intelligence concepts and institutions in Malaysia and India, and collaborated with Kristian Gustafson on agenda-setting work intended to further extend comparative intelligence studies beyond the 'Anglosphere'. Early in the previous decade I was one of the founding architects of a theory of ‘intelligence culture’ as a counterpart to existing theories of strategic, organisational and political culture, and the comparative study of national intelligence systems. I have written on ‘intelligence theory’ and my most recent work is concerned chiefly with on the evolution of concepts, doctrine and professional practice in defence and military intelligence.

Research grants and projects

Project details

Raytheon UK £2,500 December 2011 – Philip H.J. Davies (PI)

European Union Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning programme Consortium Grant Value: €316,970 (c.£265,500); Brunel Component: €37,643 (c.£31,844.50) February 2011 - January 2012 Philip H.J. Davies (PI)

UK Ministry of Defence and £17,625 January – December 2010

ESRC Seminar Series Grant £16,623 January 2008 - August 2009 Philip H.J. Davies (PI)

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